Oregon Websites and Watersheds Project, Inc.
Mission and History

Oregon Websites and Watersheds Project, Inc. (ORWW) is a nonprofit 501 c(3) Oregon-based corporation.  ORWW was established to improve environmental science and computer technology education and applications in Oregon schools and communities. This page contains the ORWW mission statement and project implementation strategy, goals and objectives, a brief organizational history, and lists of original and current Board of Directors.


The primary mission of the Oregon Websites and Watersheds Project, Inc. is to assist Oregon students, teachers, residents, and resource managers in implementing computer technology, historical documentation, scientific reasoning, community consensus building, environmental enhancement projects, and long-term monitoring strategies to help make more informed decisions regarding local natural and cultural resources.

The main ORWW strategy for achieving its mission involves encouraging development and documentation of local environmental science projects.  Student academic and employment opportunities are enhanced through practical "on-the-ground" instruction in scientific data gathering, critical thinking skills, and peer review.  Instruction and review is provided and supplemented by developing networks of  local scientists, employers, resource managers, and other experts and professionals.  Public education and local consensus is achieved through applied student instruction in various forms of media, including art, newsletters, newspapers, television, formal presentations, workshops, and the Internet.  Successful long-term implementation of these strategies is expectd to improve management of local natural and cultural resources.


The ORWW mission is based on: 1) documenting the needs of Oregon's rural and inner-city students for access to--and instruction in using--new communications and computational technology, and 2) addressing endemic regional environmental controversies with proactive, long-term, community-based research and education strategies. 

In order to achieve its goals, the ORWW Board of Directors has adopted six basic objectives. These objectives are intended to be completed in cooperation with local schools, businesses, landowners, parents, residents, resource managers, scientists, and other community members:

    1.  To assist in the development of a statewide urban/rural Internet communications network designed to improve academic, employment, and business opportunities for Oregon school children.

    2.  To help initiate long-term regional environmental science projects among Oregon's schools and communities.

    3.  To help monitor and enhance fish populations in Oregon's rivers and streams.

    4.  To help monitor and evaluate Oregon's completed streamside and water quality enhancement projects.

    5.  To assist in researching, documenting, and mapping Oregon's local forest and rangeland histories.

    6.  To help initiate and maintain local checklists of Oregon's wild plant and animal populations.


    The Oregon Websites and Watersheds Project ("Oregon Websites") was first envisioned and developed by a partnership between West Oregon Timber Supporters (WOTS) and NW Maps Co. in 1996.  Proposed project strategies and a formal project management plan were adopted by the WOTS Board of Directors in early December of the same year.  At that time WOTS was a non-profit corporation based in Philomath, Oregon, dedicated to public education and the promotion of scientific management of forest resources in western Oregon.  NW Maps Co. is a Corvallis, Oregon corporation specializing in forest history research, cultural resource mapping, and environmental education projects.

    Principal Oregon Websites authors and reviewers were Wayne Giesy (former State Representative from Benton County and longtime WOTS member), Bob Zybach (NW Maps Co.), Dr. Mack Barrington (New Albion Multimedia), and Jeannine Gay, Bryan Cornell, Jennie Cornell, Jim Holt, Mark Phillips, and Bob Mahon of WOTS.  Initial funding for Oregon Websites was provided by WOTS, Starker Forests, Inc., Hull-Oakes Timber Co., Pioneer Telephone Co-Op, NW Maps Co., and New Albion Multimedia. All subsequent funding has been provided by private individuals, corporations and foundations.

    Management of Oregon Websites was transferred in January, 1997 from WOTS and NW Maps Co. to the Environmental Justice Action Group, Inc. (EJAG), a Portland, Oregon-based 501 c(3) corporation. The purpose of the change was to provide tax protection for project sponsors, as WOTS did not have 501 c(3) status and NW Maps Co. was a for-profit corporation.  ORWW was subsequently established in July, 1997 by WOTS board members and other local project supporters for the specific purpose of implementing the Oregon Websites and Watersheds Project.  In September, 1997, project management was transferred from EJAG to ORWW, where it has remained to this time.

    ORWW objectives have been addressed by the successful completion of the PEAS Project, the long-term establishment of the Classroom on the Siletz River Day Project, and the recent initiations of the Oregon Lynx and the Willamette River Steelhead Project. Current ORWW plans are to improve urban-rural Internet communications among Oregon Schools and communities via projects involving the endangered fish runs on the Willamette River, the activities of Sacajawea and York during the Lewis and Clark expedition, and the effects of cattle grazing on surface waters and riparian plant populations in eastern Oregon.


The current ORWW Board of Directors has the following members and officers, representing timber, agriculture, small business, education, and local politics:


Stuart Hemphill  President
Jeannine Gay     Secretary/Treasurer
James Holt  
Sue Miller  
Wayne Giesy  


The original Board of Directors, responsible for developing and adopting the formal mission, goals, and objectives of the Oregon Websites and Watershed Project, were:

Marlene Blanchard, President
Corvallis, OR 97333

Bryan Cornell, Vice President
Contract Logging Supervisor
Corvallis, OR 97330

Jeannine Gay, Secretary
Former Mayor of Philomath
Philomath, OR 97370

Mark Phillips, Treasurer
Forester, Philomath School District Site Council
Philomath, OR 97370

Kay Glathar
Philomath Middle School Teacher
Philomath, OR 97370

Todd Nystrom
Forester, Sawmill Manager
Monroe, OR 97456