SILETZ RIVER, OR Wild Fish and Lamprey Eels Form

OR-SZ-AF-Form No.______________

Student Name _____________ DATE ________ Time ____ (AM/PM)

Riffle/Hole _______________________ Sub-Basin CODE _______

TSP ________ RNG _________ SEC _________ 1/4 SEC _________

River Mile: From RM ______ To RM ______ Est. 1/10 RM _______

Landowner _________________ Caught By ____________________

Species CODE(S) _____________ Total Caught _______

Longest (in.)______ Shortest (in.)_____ Total Wt (Lbs.) ________

Other ___________________________________________________

Photograph(s): Y/N ___ Number ____ Photographer ___________

Location and Owner of Negatives ___________________________

Tag(s) Y/N___ Tag INFO _____________ Clipped Fins Y/N ______

Notes ___________________________________________________ ******************************************************************
CATCH AND RELEASE: Method ______________________________

Condition After Release ____________________________________

Notes ____________________________________________________ ******************************************************************
CATCH AND EAT: SEX (M/F) _____ Cleaned WT. (W/Head) ______

Stomach Contents _________________________________________

Recipe (Use Back of Form if Needed)_________________________