B&B Complex References

Sunset over Black Butte, B&B Fire, August, 2003 (Pajutee 2004)

The following references are cited in one or more places on the Oregon Websites and Watersheds Project, Inc.(ORWW) B&B Complex website (Zybach and Lapham 2004). References are categorized by the type of information they contain and the format with which the information is presented.

Texts. Includes scientific and historical accounts and studies relevant to the B&B Complex study area.

News Media. Includes newspaper and popular magazine articles, editorials, and letters to the editor regarding the B&B Complex and related topics of interest.

Multimedia. Videotapes, PowerPoint presentations, recorded interviews, and animated sequences that focus on the history and aftermath of the B&B Fire Complex.

Maps and GIS Layers. Includes current and historical maps and GIS layers of areas within the study area boundaries.

Personal Communications. Knowledgable individuals that have been consulted regarding B&B Complex history, ecology, politics, and project research design.

Website Links. Internet links to other websites containing information of value regarding the B&B Fire Complex.



Adams, Paul W. and Anne B. Hairston 1994. Using Scientific Input in Policy and Decision Making (PDF: 148 K). Extension Circular 1441, OSU Extension Service, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR: 20 pp. (http://eesc.orst.edu/agcomwebfile/edmat/html/EC/EC1441/EC1441.html)

Adams, Paul W. and Anne B. Hairston 1996. "Calling All Experts: Using Science to Direct Policy," Journal of Forestry. Vol. 94, No. 4: 27-30.

Agee, James K. 1993. Fire Ecology of Pacific Northwest Forests. Island Press, Washington D.C.: 493 pp.

Beschta, Robert L., Christopher A. Frissell, Robert Gresswell, Richard Hauer, James R. Karr, G. Wayne Minshall, David A. Perry, and Jonathon J. Rhodes 1995. Wildfire and Salvage Logging. Self published: 16 pp.

Bosworth, Dale 2003. Written Statement Congressman Greg Walden: Senate Committee On Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry, June 26, 2003.

Clark, Ella E. 1953. Indian Legends of the Pacific Northwest. University of California Press, Berkeley, CA: 225 pp.

Coulter, Karen ca. 2002. Reframing the Forest Movement to End Forest Destruction. Blue Mountains Biodiversity Project, Fossil, OR: 8 pp.

Franklin, Jerry F., Thomas A. Spies, Robert Van Pelt, Andrew B. Carey, Dale A. Thornburgh, Dean Rae Berg, David B. Lindenmayer, Mark E. Harmon, William S. Keeton, David C. Shaw, Ken Bible, Joquan Chen 2002. "Disturbance and Structural Development of Natural Forest Ecosystems with Silvicultural Implications, Using Douglas-fir Forests as an Example," Forest Ecology and Management. 155 (2002): 399-423.

Gordon, John C. 2004. “Revisiting the Old-Growth Question,” Journal of Forestry, April/May: Vol. 102, No. 3: 38-45.

Halstead, Murat and Harry C. Jones 1894. Camera Mosaics: A Portfolio of National Photography. Harry C. Jones, Publisher, New York, NY: 324 pp.

Ice, George G. and Robert L. Beschta 1999. “Should Salvage Logging Be Prohibited Following Wildfire?” 1999 NCASI West Coast Regional Meeting, National Council for Air and Stream Improvement, Corvallis, OR: 452-460.

Ice, George G., Daniel G. Neary and Paul W. Adams IN PRESS. "Effects of Wildfire on Soils and Watershed Processes," submitted to Journal of Forestry: 16 pp.

Johnson, Daniel M., Richard R. Petersen, D. Richard Lycan, James W. Sweet, Mark E. Neuhaus, and Andrew L. Schaedel 1985. Atlas of Oregon Lakes. Oregon State University Press, Corvallis, OR: 317 pp.

Lomborg, Bjorn 2001. The Skeptical Environmentalist: Measuring the Real State of the World. Cambridge University Press, New York, NY: 35-36.

McArthur, Lewis A. 1982. Oregon Geographic Names (Fifth Edition). Western Imprints, Press of the Oregon Historicl Society, Portland, OR: 839 pp.

OSU (Oregon State University) Extension Service 2003. “How Do I Minimize Soil Erosion?” Wildfire Recovery, Vol. 1, Issue 1: 4.

Oregon Board of Forestry 2003. Forestry Program for Oregon. Oregon Department of Forestry, Salem, OR: 76 pp.

OFRI (Oregon Forests Resources Institute) 2004. Forest Fire Risk and Restoration: Managing the Forests to Create More Fire-Resilient Ecosystems. Oregon Forests Resources Institute, Portland, OR: 17 pp.

Peterson, James 1994. "Voices in the Forest: An Interview with Bob Zybach," Evergreen Magazine. March/April: 7-22.

Pyne, Stephen J. 1982. Fire in America: A Cultural History of Wildland and Rural History. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ: 654 pp.

Pyne, Stephen J. 1984. Introduction to Wildland Fire: Fire Management in the United States. John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY: 455 pp.

Reine, Cristy 1994. “Caution! Timber Falling,” Oregon Fish & Wildlife Journal.

Sessions, John, Peter Bettinger, Robert Buckman, Mike Newton, and Jeff Hamann 2004. “Hastening the Return of Complex Forests Following Fire: The Consequences of Delay,” Journal of Forestry, April/May: Vol. 102, No. 3: 38-45.

Spies, Thomas A. 2004. “Ecological Concepts and Diversity of Old-Growth Forests,” Journal of Forestry, April/May: Vol. 102, No. 3: 14-19.

Stout, Benjamin B. 2003. Reflections of a Lifetime Forester, self published: 2 pp.

Taylor, George H.and Raymond R. Hatton 1999. The Oregon Weather Book: A State of Extremes. Oregon State University Press, Corvallis, OR: 242 pp.

USDA Pacific Northwest Research Station 2002. “Fire Risk in East-Side Forests,” Science Update. September, Issue 2: 11 pp.

Zybach, Bob 1983. Renewed Resources: The Reforestation of the Tillamook Burn, 1948-1983. The A.R.C. Quarterly. Associated Reforestation Contractors, Salem, OR: pp. 13-17.

Zybach, Bob 1999. Using Oral Histories to Document Changing Forest Cover Patterns: Soap Creek Valley, Oregon, 1500-1999. MAIS Thesis, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR: 321 pp.

Zybach, Bob 2002. The Alseya Valley Prairie Complex, ca. 1850: Native Landscapes in Western GLO Surveys. IN: Changing Landscapes: "Sustaining Traditions," Proceedings of the 5th and 6th Annual Coquille Cultural Preservation Conferences, Coquille Indian Tribe, North Bend, OR: pp.161-188.

Zybach, Bob 2003. Indian Burning and Catastrophic Forest Fire Patterns in the Oregon Coast Range, 1491-1951. PhD Dissertation, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR: 458 pp.


Maps and GIS Layers

Mills, Dean 2003. B and B Burn Intensity (Barc). Willamette National Forest GIS, October 9: 1 sheet.

Plummer, F. G. 1901. The Cascade Range Forest Reserve, Oregon: Showing Land Classification. US Geological Survey, US Government Priniting Office, Washington, DC: 1 sheet. Map Legend.

USDA BAER (Burned Area Emergency Rehabilitation) 2003. B&B Complex Burn Severity: From Field Observations, September 13, 2003. USDA Forest Service: 1 sheet.

Zybach, Bob and Nana Lapham 2004a. Boundaries and Key Landmarks of the B&B Complex Study Area. NW Maps Co., Corvallis, OR. Cartography by Juniper GIS, Bend, OR: 1 sheet.: 1 sheet.

Zybach, Bob and Nana Lapham 2004b. Geographic Names and GPS Photographic Points of the B&B Complex Study Area. NW Maps Co., Corvallis, OR. Cartography by Juniper GIS, Bend, OR: 1 sheet.


Personal Communications

Bormann, Bernard. Principal Investigator, Fiver Rivers Land Management Study, USDA Pacific Northwest Research Station. May, 2004

Buckman, Robert. Former Deputy Chief for Research, USDA Forest Service. April, 2004

Giesy, Wayne. Former Oregon State legislator. April-June, 2004

Griffin, Paul. Congressional Aide to Greg Walden. May 25, 2004.

Lorenson, Ted. Oregon Department of Forestry. May 24, 2004

Stout, Benjamin. Former Dean of Montana College of Forestry. May 15 and June 8, 2004.



McMurray, Mike 2002. Crisis in American Forests. MEI Productions, Bend, OR. Videotape: 38 min.

Pajutee, Maret 2004 (July). Post-fire Changes in the Metolius Watershed: Summary of the Metolius Watershed Analysis Update. USDA Forest Service, Sisters Ranger District, Deschutes National Forest, Sisters, OR. PowerPoint: 48 slides.

Schindler, Bruce (n.d.). Public Acceptance of Fuels Reduction. Videotape #7, Lecture #14, Wildland Fire Ecology, OSU College of Forestry, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR.

Walstad, Jack (n.d.). Introduction to Wildland Fire Ecology. Videotape #1, Lecture #1, Wildland Fire Ecology, OSU College of Forestry, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR.


Website Links (June 16, 2004)

Blue Mountain Biodiversity Project www.cascadiarising.org/topic/bmbp/
Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Indians www.warmsprings.com/
Friends of the Metolius www.metoliusfriends.org/index.html
Oregon Department of Forestry www.odf.state.or.us/
Oregon State University College of Forestry www.cof.orst.edu/
Sierra Club Eastern Oregon Chapter www.envirocenter.org/groups/sierra/sierra.html
US Federal Wildland Fire Policy www.fs.fed.us/land/wdfire.htm
US Healthy Forest Initiative www.healthyforests.gov/
US National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) ceq.eh.doe.gov/nepa/regs/nepa/nepaeqia.htm
US National Fire Plan www.fireplan.gov/content/home/
US National Interagency Fire Center www.nifc.gov/
USDA Forest Service B&B Fire www.fs.fed.us/r6/centraloregon/fires/2003/b-b/index.shtml
USDA Forest Service Deschutes NF www.fs.fed.us/r6/centraloregon/
USDA Forest Service Wildfire Fuels Research www.fs.fed.us/fire/tech_transfer/synthesis/synthesis_index
USDA Forest Service Mt. Jefferson Wilderness www.fs.fed.us/r6/willamette/recreation/wilderness/mtjeff-postfire/index.html
USDA Forest Service Northwest Plan www.fs.fed.us/r6/nwfp.htm
USDA Forest Service Willamette NF www.fs.fed.us/r6/willamette/
USDA Multiple Use_Sustained Yield Act www.fs.fed.us/emc/nfma/includes/musya60.pdf
USDA Pacific Northwest Research Station www.fs.fed.us/pnw/
USDI Endangered Species Act endangered.fws.gov/esa.html
USDI Joint Fire Science Program jfsp.nifc.gov/
USDI National Historic Preservation Act www2.cr.nps.gov/laws/NHPA1966.htm
USDI National Organic Act


USGS Mt. Jefferson Website vulcan.wr.usgs.gov/Volcanoes/Jefferson/Locale/framework.html
Wildland Firefighters www.wildlandfire.com/index.html

©2004 Oregon Websites and Watersheds Project, Inc.and NW Maps Co.