Harney County Cattle Grazing Study - Spring Field Trip 2003

2003 Trip Main Page Field Trip Stops Issues Discussion 2004 Spring Trip Planning Committee


Links will be made active in the table below as content becomes available...

Issue Student Owner State or Federal Student Inquiry Letter Responses
Steens Mountain Advisory Council (SMAC) Tiffany Federal Read the letter

President Bush

Senator Smith

Senator Wyden

Representative Walden

Wilderness ??? Federal Read the letter

President Bush

Senator Smith

Senator Wyden

Representative Walden

Agricultural Education Veronica State Read the letter

Governor Kulongoski

Senator Harper

Representative Butler

Predators (Wolves) David Federal & State Read the letter

President Bush

Senator Smith

Senator Wyden

Representative Walden

Governor Kulongoski

Senator Harper

Representative Butler

Logging Tarah Federal Read the letter

President Bush

Senator Smith

Senator Wyden

Representative Walden

Wild Horses Eric Garner Federal Read the letter

President Bush

Senator Smith

Senator Wyden

Representative Walden

Water Rights Kyle Federal & State Read the letter

President Bush

Senator Smith

Senator Wyden

Representative Walden

Governor Kulongoski

Senator Harper

Representative Butler




Harney County Cattle Grazing Study

(C) 2003 Oregon Websites and Watersheds Project., Inc.