Forest Soils References


Wildfire: Atmosphere & Climate. Effects of wildfire on air quality; weather and wildfire; climate change; Global Warming.

Wildfire: Economics. Costs of suppression, loss of resources, effects on rural communities.

Wildfire: Forest Fuels. Types of fuels, fuels history, fuels management, prescribed fire, combustability.

Wildfire: Forest Streams. Effects of wildfire on streams, water quality, erosion, fish populations.

Wildfire: Salvage Logging. Scientific research and opinion, legal actions, and management results.


Baar, J., T. R. Horton, A. M. Kretzer, and T. D. Bruns 1999. “Mycorrhizal Colonization of Pinus muricata From Resistant Propagules After a Stand-Replacing Wildfire,” New Phytologist, Vol. 143, No. 2: 409-418. [PDF]

Baird, M., D. Zabowski, and R. L. Everett 1999. “Wildfire Effects on Carbon and Nitrogen in Inland Coniferous Forests,” Plant and Soil. Vol. 209: 233-243. [PDF]

Ball, D. F. 1967. “Stone Pavements in Soils of Caernarvonshire, North Wales,” Journal of Soil Science. Vol. 18, No. 1: 103-108.[PDF]

Bormann, Bernard T., F. Herbert Bormann, William B. Bowden, Robert S. Pierce, Steve P. Hamburg, Deane Wang, Michael C. Snyder, C. Y. Li, and Rick C. Ingersoll 1993. “Rapid N-2 Fixation in Pines, Alder, and Locust: Evidence From the Sandbox Ecosystem Study,” Ecology. Vol. 74, No. 2: 583-598.[PDF]

Bormann, Bernard T. and John C. Gordon 1989. “Can Intensively Managed Forest Ecosystems be Self-Sufficient in Nitrogen?” Forest Ecology and Management. No. 29: 95-103.[PDF]

Bormann, Bernard T., C. Kent Keller, Deane Wang, F. Herbert Bormann 2002. “Lessons from the Sandbox: Is Unexplained Nitrogen Real?” Ecosystems. Vol. 5: 727-733.[PDF]

Cammeraat, L. H. and A. C. Imeson 1999. “The Evolution and Significance of Soil–Vegetation Patterns Following Land Abandonment and Fire in Spain,” Catena. No. 37: 107-127.[PDF]

Certini, Giacomo 2005. “Effects of Fire on Properties of Forest Soils: A Review, Oecologia. No. 143: 1-10.[PDF]

Crickmay, C. H. 1934. “The Nature and Origin of Fusain,” American Midland Naturalist. Vol. 16, No. 1: 94-98.[PDF]

Debano, Leonard F. and C. E. Conrad 1978. “The Effect of Fire on Nutrients in a Chaparral Ecosystem,” Ecology. Vol. 59, No. 3: 489-497.[PDF]

DeBano, Leonard F. 2000. “Water Repellency in Soils: A[n] historical Overview,” Journal of Hydrology. No. 231-232: 4-32.[PDF]

Nazzaro, Robin M. 2006. Biscuit Fire Recovery Project.Analysis of Project Development, Salvage Sales, and Other Activities. GA0-06-967, United States Government Accountability Office, Washington DC: 69 pp.[PDF]

Poff, Roger J. 1996. "Effects of Silvicultural Practices and Wildfire on Productivity of Forest Soils," IN: Sierra Nevada Ecosystem Project: Final Report to Congress, Vol. II, Assessments and Scientific Basis for Management Options. Davis: University of California Centers for Water and Wildland Resources, Davis, California, Chapter 16: 477-494.[PDF]

Stark, Nellie M. 1977. "Fire and Nutrient Cycling in a Douglas-Fir/Larch Forest," Ecology. Vol. 58, Issue 1: 16-30. [PDF]

Wan, Shiqiang, Dafeng Hui, and Yiqi Luo 2001. "Fire Effects on Nitrogen Pools and Dynamics in Terrestrial Ecosystems: A Meta-Analysis," Ecological Applications. Vol. 11, No. 5: 1349-1365. [PDF]

Whittaker, R. H. 1954. "The Ecology of Serpentine Soils," Ecology. Vol. 35, Issue 2: 258-288. [PDF]


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