Upper South Umpqua Headwaters Precontact Reference Study
Collins Ridge
Collins Ridge, South Umpqua River, Douglas County, Oregon, April 21, 2010 (B. Zybach).
Collins Ridge Area of Special Interest is located on the cusp between the Jackson Creek subbasin and the Zinc Creek subbasin of the South Umpqua River drainage in Tsp. 30 S., Rng. 1 W. It contains the old Collins fire lookout tower, which is included in the ORWW Osbornes Project.
This page includes specific maps and aerial photographs of Collins Ridge, panoramas and QTVR video files constructed from the 2010 field research studies, and individual historical and 2010 documentary photographs showing current condtions, native plants and animals, and other points of interest related to this study area.
Panoramas and QTVRs
1812_331_Road_Pond |
1814_Snow_Meadow |
1815_Snow_Meadow |
1816_Snow_Meadow |
1817_Snow_Meadow |
1818_Snow_Meadow |
1819_Snow_Meadow |
1820_Snow_Forest |
1821_Snow_Forest |
1822_Snow_Forest |
1823_Snow_Lane |
1911_300_Road_Meadow |
1917_Collins_Dissappointment |
1918_710_Road |
1919_710_Road |
1920_710_Road |
1921_710_Road |